Summertime47318905_M brings a sigh of relief for truck drivers who are used to navigating dangerous, icy roads or driving through spring thunderstorms. However, summer is a busy time for truck drivers as many companies take advantage of the nice weather to ship out more products and take advantage of the season before the weather changes. Driving during the summer months has benefits, but drivers also experience heavier traffic and backup from the training of more inexperienced drivers. Here are three ways truck drivers can effectively prepare for summer road trips:

1. Stay hydrated

The biggest tip for truck drivers to stay healthy in the summer months is to ensure they’re drinking enough water, especially if they’re traveling through the unbearable dry heat of cities like Las Vegas and Phoenix or the heavy humid temperatures of the Midwest.

Be sure to always keep a cold water bottle or sports drink within reach and take sips regularly. Take regular bathroom breaks and stock up on more supplies when visiting rest stops.

2. Pack sunscreen and sunglasses

During summer, bright sunlight can do more harm than good if not managed correctly. You won’t want to take a chance on skipping the sunglasses because simply starting in intense sunlight for more than a few seconds causes your light sensitivity to become over-stimulated, injuring the back of the eye.

Direct UV rays can also penetrate your truck’s windows, making it crucial to pack your favorite sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Be sure to apply a fresh coat of sunscreen every few hours on your face, arms and other areas that touch the sunlight.

. 3. Research truck routes

Although cutting corners during the warmer summer months may be tempting, it’s still important to conduct thorough research on road conditions to ensure optimal safety. Be sure to research the best routes to avoid significant delays, road conditions, weather forecasts and more. You never know when a dangerous summer storm could pop up. Be sure to get a good night’s rest before heading out on a trip and don’t be afraid to pull over for a nap when needed.

Our team at Double D Distribution provides premier asphalt truck drivers across the Rocky Mountain Region. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, we’re exceptional and ready to hire for your next job. Visit our website or call (801) 364-6565 to learn more.