96936976_MTopping off your semi truck’s gas tank can cost anywhere from $400 to $1,000, and fuel prices are constantly rising. While there’s no way to minimize these costs entirely, there are steps you and your drivers can take to reduce costs and promote savings. You don’t have to upgrade your trucks or equipment, either. Here are three simple changes you can make behind the wheel, starting today.

1.) Maintain a constant speed. If your truck travels the same average speed at all times, it’s also less likely to burn through additional fuel. Whenever you accelerate––whether it’s after a full stop or simply in an effort to get up a hill––you use more gas. As a general rule of thumb, try and stay at or just under the speed limit. Sit back, relax and whenever possible take advantage of cruise control. You’ll see an almost instant improvement in terms of fuel consumption.

2.) Pump up your tires. How often do you check the PSI of your semi’s tires? Industry experts say that for every 1 PSI drop in pressure, you lower your gas mileage by .3%. For every additional PSI drop, that number increases significantly. In addition, research shows that properly inflated tires last longer and are less likely to experience wear and tear or a blowout. Whenever you fuel up, take the extra time to fill up your tires as well.

3.) Keep your load height reasonable. Did you know the height of your load impacts your fuel efficiency? It’s true. If you have materials that are unevenly distributed, your engine has to work harder to get you up hills and other inclines. When preparing your rig for a new trip, try and focus on aerodynamics. The closer your load is to your trailer bed, the less likely it is to interfere with your driving abilities.

These are only three suggestions to improve fuel capacity while on the road. There are plenty of other things you can do, such as moderating your braking and staying in a higher gear. If you have fuel conservation tips that you’d like to share, let us know.