We have a truck video to fix your problem!
Have you ever been driving your truck out on the road and something comes up that you have a question on???
That happens to all of us, so at Double D we try to provide all the resources we can so you can be comfortable in your truck and keep moving without having problems that slow you down. We have created many trucking videos that cover a wide range of trucking topics. Our videos are focused on solving common driving problems.
On our YouTube channel you can find a lot of answers to common questions you might have when operating your semi-truck and trailer. Subscribe to our channel and check out our videos!
Training our drivers and employees about trucking and truck driving is one of the most important things we can do for our employees and customers. Below you will find some of our truck training videos that cover a range of topics from safely operating a truck and trailer, doing truck and trailer maintenance, and properly handling the products we haul with our trucks.
We hope you find the videos on this page a great resource that helps improve your ability to drive your truck and load. Thanks!
*For Freightliner OEM videos, go to the Freightliner Video Center to get VIN specific videos for your exact truck.
**For Kenworth OEM videos you can visit the Kenworth Driver Academy.
Truck Outlets Have No Power?
Freightliner won’t Regen!
Workers Comp Special
Asphalt oil on your clothes?
Safely load asphalt or emulsion
Truck won’t build any air???
Hopefully this gives you some proof that we really are serious about quality training and providing good resources to our team. We don’t want anyone to have to struggle through their work day. Trucking has long been this super stressful job and we want to eliminate that bad stereotype. We want our truck drivers to feel like they can always count on Double D to relieve them of their burdens and give them useful tools to get their jobs done.
When we create these trucking videos we usually come up with the ideas because we were out driving trucks ourselves and ran into a situation and thought, “Hey! It would be really helpful is there was a video to walk me through this….” Lights, Camera, Action! As soon as we can we get out the camera and make a new video to try and help make life out on the road easier for everyone.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. That is how you can keep up with the helpful content we are producing.